For Black Christians, and our Black churches, our women are Queens. It’s the grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and aunties that wear their faith on their chest like t-shirts and hoodies.Let’s examine why.
Genesis 2:22 through 2:25 tell of the way God brought woman into the world out of necessity. It’s a miraculous account, but by this point in scripture we have witnessed the creation of existence so making man from dust and a woman from bone is just another day of the week.
What may be less apparent to the reader is who and what woman would become. To God, in his infinite wisdom, she is already what she will be all throughout history, a necessity to our species, the Queen.
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God of idols is an online Christian clothing store with the best Christian t shirt designs from the Black perspective. We use hoodies, Christian t-shirts, wall art, and other merchandise to convey the message of the ministry.
Obviously, the original Black man and Black woman didn’t have Black Christian hoodies and Black Christian t shirts to wear. Genesis 2:25 tells us that they were both naked and not ashamed.
It’s foretelling that the scripture makes the association of nakedness and shame, or the lack there of rather. Back then, they wore no clothes, and there was no shame.
Today many cringe at nudity. A naked body is often considered sexual, arousing, and provocative in our society. Many groups of people view those words I just used as "negative descriptive words."
However, the original man and woman were naked and not ashamed, because they were innocent. They didn’t know evil. There were no negative descriptive words that came to mind when they looked at one another's naked bodies.
That was before the fall of mankind. We’ll get into the fall a little more as we go on. Particularly, the role of the woman.
Clothed Minded
In our society what we wear affects how we view others and how we are viewed by others. Run down this short list of apparel comparisons and notice the impact that clothing has on your own views of people.
Read each and picture the person in your mind. Do you view each person as the same?
Apparel comparisons
- Black man in black hoodie
- Black man in black blazer
- Black man in soiled jeans
- Black man in hospital scrubs
- Black man in Christian t shirt
- Black man in police uniform
- Black man in sports team jersey
- White man in sports team jersey
The last set is just a reminder that wardrobe isn’t the only factor we draw from in developing opinions of people we don’t know, or haven’t yet met. It’s a subconscious thing.
In a matter of seconds of meeting a person we develop an opinion of that person based on our senses associated with preconceived notions.
I'm no expert in human behavior nor the psyche, but I would even go as far as to say that if we were dressed the same as the stranger we were looking at we have a different judgment of them simply because we identified with them.
As, “Black man in black hoodie” is blared through police radios and scanners across the nation it reinforces within the subconscious the perceived differences in this Black man in hoodie and this Black man in black blazer.
In reality we don’t know which of the two is more dangerous, or if either of them pose any threat at all. But, subconsciously I imagine most Americans lean towards the guy in the hoodie being a little more threatening than the one in the suit jacket.
Meanwhile, the Black women is forced to shoulder the burden of worry not knowing whether her Black men, husband or children, will survive the result of so many negative descriptive words embedded in our countries subconscious empowering the "Karens" everyday.
Race and gender are key factors in our underlying judgments as well as the way we dress. But, does this work the same for Black women? Let’s try another list.
Apparel comparisons
- Black woman in black short skirt
- Black woman in black gown
- Black woman in fitting jeans
- Black woman in hospital scrubs
- Black woman in Christian t shirt
- Black woman in police uniform
- Black woman in sports team jersey
- White woman in sports team jersey
Did you feel a difference?
For me the differences in clothing were distinctive, but the Black woman and White woman in jerseys didn’t set them apart much in my mind. I found a greater difference in the Black man and White man in jerseys.
That may be because many of my era’s Black men wore throw-back jerseys in the streets and in the clubs regularly, not just for sporting events.
The point is clothing affects our views of people. If all of our apparel list’s examples were naked our impressions might be different of the same examples.
How could we tell a naked Judge from a naked Mail Carrier if we’ve never met either woman?
We couldn’t, and we wouldn’t even wonder what the two naked women standing in front of us in our minds did for a living. We would immediately focus on their nakedness and the negative descriptive words associated with it.
That’s the power of the adjective, but let’s focus on the power of the woman in this next section beginning with Genesis 2:25, she was naked and shameless.
Power of the woman
In Genesis chapter two when reading verses 2:15 through 2:25 there is language that can be construed to give the impression that God saw a need for the original man, Adam, to have a wife for help in keeping the Garden of Eden.
But God, existing outside of the constraints of time, knows that mankind cannot survive without both male and female by God's own design.
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
God didn’t just decide that Adam needed a woman’s help after he named the animals. He already knows that and many amazing things about woman that the world is still discovering.
God knows, woman is an equal decision maker with man. In Genesis 3:6 she ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which led to the fall of all mankind taking away our innocence and directly causing what we wear to matter from then on.
She didn’t ask Adam for permission. She didn't need to. She decided and he followed her.
God knows, woman is a wise leader of nations. She is Maqueda (Makeda) of Ethiopia. 1st Kings chapter 10, and 2nd Chronicles chapter 9 refer to the Queen of Sheba. She is the wise ruler come to test the wisdom of the famous King Solomon, Ruler to Ruler.
Queen is equal to King.
God knows, woman’s intuition. The connection God has with woman is beyond verbal communication. He didn’t speak directly to her in the Garden, but he speaks directly to her intuitively throughout time.
For example, Matthew 27:19 refers to Claudia Procula, Pontius Pilate’s wife. In her dreams she was given the knowledge of Jesus’ righteousness. She never met the man, but truth came to her as she slept.
God knows, woman is the great nurturer. Mary the mother of the Messiah’s affect on the world is evident. Millions of lives are touched by the Catholic church with her name in prayers.
God knows, woman is the power of influence. Genesis 3:6 explains that the woman ate from the tree and then gave to her husband and he then ate too.
God told Adam not to eat it, but he did it anyway, because woman wanted him to.
God knows that woman is a wise leader, with great intuition, the ability to nurture a people, and the power to influence change.
God knows that woman is Kamala Harris, first Black Vice President of America even when Adam named her Eve.
Queen Eve is every mother, sister, and daughter.
God of idols, hoodies, tees, wall art, and accessories.
The sister Sarah Jakes Roberts delivers a very motivating word in this video. Click the link and enjoy.
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